Once Upon a Festival – Creative Collaborations Conference
This June sees the first Creative Collaborations Conference a stimulating, practical day at Theatre Royal, in Bury St Edmunds, open to professional artists, theatre makers and those in the education sector.
Led by one of the leading international practitioners, Chris Elwell, director of Half Moon Theatre, London, the day will provide lots of collaborative opportunities and exciting ways to take ideas through to production. A new way to explore themes and meet new artists to kick-start exciting projects and potentially become a part of Once Upon a Festival in 2018.
Karen Simpson, director/CEO at the Theatre Royal, said: ‘We are delighted to be able to offer a really exciting day for artists and teachers from East Anglia interested in work for children as part of this years, ‘Once Upon a Festival’. Chris Elwell is one of the country’s leading experts in this field so it’s going to be a wonderful opportunity for theatre makers to work together and hopefully sow the seeds for a raft of new work originating in East Anglia.’
For more information on the Conference (Friday, June 16) and to register email natalie@theatreroyal.org.
Places are strictly limited so please ensure you register your interest by June 14.