850 children to take part in Crucial Crew at the West Suffolk College

Around 850 St Edmundsbury school children will be learning vital life-lessons at Crucial Crew 2017 in July.

Year six children, aged between 10 and 11, from 25 schools, will come together at West Suffolk College, in Bury St Edmunds, to experience various scenarios, staffed by experts who show children how to deal with potentially dangerous situations and how to protect both themselves and others. The Fire Service will educate the children on fire prevention and safety.

The Matthew Project will be talking to the children about the harms around drugs and alcohol and the Dogs Trust will be talking about being Dog Safe.  The overall focus of the event is on personal safety and personal well- being.

This year the children from 32 schools will be attending the scenarios run by  the Fire Service, Police, Uk Power Networks, East of England Ambulance Trust,  Environmental Health, The Matthew Project, and Abbeycroft Leisure.

Crucial Crew is organised and funded by St Edmundsbury Borough Council. Thanks go to West Suffolk College for allowing free use of their facilities and to local supermarkets for sponsoring the refreshments.

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