Over 60 people fail alcohol and drug tests during summer campaign across Suffolk

A total of 280 people were breathalysed in Suffolk during the summer drink drive campaign, with 33 motorists providing positive tests. The month-long campaign, launched on Thursday, June 1, targeted drivers getting behind the wheel under the influence of alcohol and drugs. Additional patrols and roadside checks were carried out with Suffolk having an 11.8% fail rate. In all 89 drugs tests were also carried out, with 29 drivers providing positive readings – a fail rate of 33% Chief Inspector Kris Barnard, head of the joint Roads Policing and Firearms Operations Unit, said: “It’s always disappointing to see that people are still prepared to take the risk and get behind the wheel under the influence of drink or drugs, although it is a minority. “Dozens of people caught during the campaign will now have a minimum 12 to 18 month driving ban, which will have massive implications on their professional and social lives. “We target drink drivers all-year round and my plea to motorists considering getting behind the wheel after drinking or taking drugs is don’t – it’s simply not worth the risk.” Suffolk’s Police and Crime Commissioner Tim Passmore said: “It beggars belief that despite the obvious dangers, too many drivers still take to the road under the influence of drink or drugs and sadly this month-long campaign confirms this. I am particularly concerned to see that a third of drivers tested for drugs proved positive, this is very worrying. “All drivers need to understand that drink or drug driving risks lives and the lives of others, it is grossly irresponsible and selfish. “I hope that slowly but surely the message is getting through, this cavalier attitude to safety is completely unacceptable and I urge drivers to take heed. Sadly too many drivers have still not learnt the lesson – drink/drug driving kills.” |