High hopes Hospice Hoops will raise funds

Fundraisers are being offered the chance to pull on their walking shoes and be part of a flagship walking race being held in Bury St Edmunds for the first time.

The prestigious 94th Centurion Race and the National 24 hour Race Walking Association (RWA) Championship, which will see walkers race around a two mile route in Moreton Hall, in a bid to complete 100 miles in just 24 hours, will be taking place between noon on Saturday, August 5 and noon on Sunday, August 6.

Including intermediate distances of 50 and 20 miles and dubbed locally as the St Edmunds 100, the event is being hosted by Positive Steps who will also be using the occasion as an opportunity to support St Nicholas Hospice Care.

At the same time as the competitive walking race, Positive Steps will be holding the Hospice Hoops walking challenge – which will see walkers able to pace the same route for as long as they like to raise funds for the charity.

For a flat entry fee of £20, with a suggested fundraising target of £50, entrants can join those vying to become centurions; for as many laps as they like.

All those taking part must walk the route – no running allowed, and everyone who finishes their challenge will receive a memento.

If you would like to find out more about the events visit www.stnicholashospice.org.uk and go to the events section.

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