Still time to register comments on plans for 250 houses in Elmswell

Although the deadline for comments on the planning application for 250 new homes on School Road, in Elmswell, has passed, people can still register their remarks.

That was the message today from those people objecting to the scheme and was confirmed by Mid Suffolk District Council who are happy to continue to receive comments by email and letter.

Some of the 50 plus comments already received include concerns over traffic and the strain on schooling and the doctor’s surgery.

Joanne Beard, of Oxer Close, who said:  “The infrastructure in and around Elmswell cannot cope with another 250 houses.

“The houses on the Bacon factory site are not yet finished or sold and the 240 on Wetherden Road are not even started – it is completely unreasonable to plan to build even more houses before we know what impact all these extra residents (and their cars) will have on the village.

“Where do the developers propose that all these new residents will go to the doctors and send their children to school? We are always being told that new houses are needed but there is no point building them if the infrastructure in the area is not in place. It seems so short sighted to me and it is the current residents of Elmswell that will suffer with another ill thought out development on our doorstep.”

And Jean Folkard, of Warren Close, added: “At the present time there are, either under construction, or likely to be around 340 houses built in locations feeding onto Ashfield Road, subsequently travelling along Church Road/Hill via New Road or School Road.

“School Road is narrow and already becomes grid locked with cars, heavy lorries and buses travelling in either direction. If lorries and buses are passing each other the one travelling north has to mount the narrow footpath to get past. The amount of traffic could delay the exit of the fire engine from the fire station when setting out on an emergency call.

“The junction of Church Road/School Road is not only a hazard for pedestrians walking to the Almshouses, church or cemetery, but a ‘pinch point’ for any vehicle.”

While Collette Harrison, of Cross Street, said: I understand that there needs to be new houses being built but in light of all the current applications that have been granted, along side the current building already happening, can Elmswell really take anymore.

“The school is full, the health centre is full, the roads are ful l… Elmswell is unsustainable. The bigger picture needs to be looked at and addressed now before out beautiful countryside and village is lost.”

You can comment by emailing james.platt@baberghmidsuffolk., by post until September 22, to James Platt, Mid Suffolk Council Planning Department,  131 High Street,  Needham Market, IP6 8DL.

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