Special Constabulary recruitment event in Bury St Edmunds
New volunteers are actively being sought to join the ranks of Suffolk’s Special Constabulary.
The county has over 200 Special Constables who regularly volunteer their time to assist the regular police force in keeping Suffolk safe. The Special Constabulary is on the look-out for committed recruits who are keen to experience the rewards and challenges of policing.
Suffolk Special Constabulary is hosting ‘drop in’ style recruitment event on Saturday, November 11, at the Athenaeum, on Angel Hill, Bury St Edmunds, between 10am and 4pm.
Becoming a Special Constable is a positive opportunity to develop existing skills or to learn new ones, give something back to your local community and become a part of a diverse organisation that fights crime in the county. It is also a good way to try police work if you are considering a career as a full time officer.
The role of a Special Constable includes providing high visibility patrols and helping to police major incidents and events. They also offer vital links in the partnership between the police service and the public.
If you are 18 years or older, in good health and of good character, you can apply. You will get full training to become part of a team that deals with a variety of incidents and events across Suffolk.
Karen Harris, Specials & Volunteers Manager said: ” Specials are an integral part of our organisation, they are extremely valued and valuable, all of our Special Officers are highly trained and play an essential role in preventing, reducing and tackling crime and keeping Suffolk safe. We are seeking applicants from all communities in our county so if you have 16 hours a month to offer us, anytime of day or night and are interested in finding out more please come along to one of our events.”
At the recruitment event interested applicants can ‘drop in’ at a time that suits them and speak to various members of Police and Support Staff about particular aspects of becoming a Special Police Constable.
Attendees will be able to follow the ‘applicants journey’ from start to finish, including how to complete an application form, what happens at assessment centres, details of the training programme, what personal safety training officers receive and speak to Special Officers to find out exactly what it’s like a Special with Suffolk Constabulary.
If you intend to go along to this event, please confirm your attendance by e-mailing specialsandvolunteers@suffolk.pnn.police.uk. If you cannot attend but would like more information please go to our website www.suffolk.police.uk