Lecture at West Suffolk College to look at higher education trends

Only 5% of the population were in higher education in the 1950s, that’s risen to 50% today, but the proportion of those taking science subjects has been dropping.

November’s free Edmund Lecture looks at whether recent developments are now reversing that trend.

Following on from the first very successful lecture, this second one held at the University of Suffolk at West Suffolk College, in Bury St Edmunds, is being taken by Professor Peter Mandler, a Professor of Modern Cultural History at the University of Cambridge.

His lecture, on Wednesday, November 8, at 6pm, explains why there has been a drop and asks whether those recent developments, which may be reducing the numbers going into higher education, might also be reversing that swing away from science.

The monthly Edmund Lectures will be held in the lecture theatre in Suffolk House, the university building at West Suffolk College, Out Risbygate, Bury St Edmunds.

Further information and to register your interest available from uos@wsc.ac.uk 01284 716341.

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