Raiders steal lead from roof of church in Elmswell ahead of Remembrance weekend

Thieves stole lead from the roof of St John’s Church, in Elmswell, some time between Friday night and Saturday morning, disrupting Remembrance services at the weekend.
Church members came upon the theft as they arrived to remember villagers who gave their lives in the First World War.
The church was the latest target in what appears to be a resurgence in thefts of lead from buildings across Suffolk.
Rev Peter Goodridge, rector of St John’s, where a roof alarm – installed for the purpose of deterring lead thieves – was found smashed on Saturday morning, said: “We arrived for a short prayer meeting and a small service in our little garden of remembrance. In the middle of the garden we noticed two bits of masonry. We looked up, thinking it could have been storm damage
“However, upon walking inside the church, we saw daylight coming in through a part of the roof I knew to be the main area of lead.
“It’s too early to tell how much repairs will cost, but it could be tens of thousands of pounds.”
Sunday service of Remembrance was able to be held despite the theft.