Christening helps to raise money for the West Suffolk Hospital’s neonatal unit

The christening of young Chloe Rooney proved to be a fundraising boost for the My WiSH Charity, which supports the West Suffolk Hospital.
For £750 was collected which is being directed towards the hospital’s neonatal unit which is set to be used to purchase i-pads. They will be used by mums so they can see their new borns who are being cared for while away from them.
Chloe, who is now eight-months-old, contracted sepsis from her mother Felicity Simper who developed the condition when she went into labour.
She was two weeks overdue and had to be induced when she contracted the illness and had to have an emergency caesarean section on April 26. For the first two weeks mother and baby spent time on the neonatal unit after Chloe developed an infection. Mum was kept separate for a bit which is why she loved the I-Pad idea.
But the treatment she received by staff at the hospital prompted Felicity, 38, and her 42-year-old fiancé Steven Rooney, a company director for an underfloor heating firm, to raise the money.
The couple, who live in Westhorpe, held the christening at their local St Margaret Church followed by a reception at the village hall.
“The staff were quick to act when they saw my problem and were really on the ball and they we so kind and caring. I was lucky to be in the right place and the treatment I received was great.
“So we wanted to repay them in some way which prompted us to ask guests at the christening to make a donation. We had a pot and people put cash and cheques into it and we ended up with £750 which was fantastic.
“We were so grateful and thought it would be nice to raise some money for the neonatal ward. And Chloe is really well and healthy now,” added Felicity, who is currently on maternity leave from her role as a journalist with BBC Look East.
Pictured above is Felicity Simper with her daughter Chloe and fiancé Steven Rooney, and ward manager Karen Ransom and community services sister Frances Frost.