Youngsters will have their noses in books during fundraising challenge for St Nicholas Hospice Care

A group of youngsters will be picking up their favourite books as they take part in a page-turning fundraising challenge.

Last year, Esmee Tegg-Clarke set out to raise £20 by reading 20 books, but her efforts managed to raise an amazing £1,200 for St Nicholas Hospice Care.

This year, Esmee has decided to open up the challenge to her friends, with a group of youngsters, some of whom attend Abbots Green Community Primary School, in Bury St Edmunds, all racing through the pages to raise funds for the charity.

Aged between one and 11 the children will all be trying to read as much as they can over the half-term week. Some are attempting to read a whole novel in a week, with others pledging to read a book a day and the younger children reading picture books.

Angela Tegg, Esmee’s mother, said: “Whatever the challenge, I’m sure you’ll all agree that these amazing youngsters are doing a wonderful thing by giving up their school holiday time, to raise money for a most deserving charity. I’m certainly very proud of each and every child who has volunteered their time to take part.”

Esmee first decided she wanted to raise funds for the charity, which cares for people in the final chapters of their lives, in memory of her grandad Terry.

Although her grandad died before she was born, she was aware of the hospice and how it helped her family and after walking past a hospice shop and recognising the sign Esmee said, she wanted to help.

George Chilvers, a hospice community fundraiser, said: “We are so grateful to all of the youngsters taking part in the reading challenge. Last year Esmee did a brilliant job and we are so pleased her friends are joining in with her efforts. All of the children are determined to do the very best they can to raise as much as possible for the charity, and they are all making a huge difference. Good luck everyone.”

You can support the youngsters’ efforts here:

Pictured above are pupils from Abbots Green Community Primary School who are taking part in a reading challenge in aid of St Nicholas Hospice Care.

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