New President Elected at Risbygate Sports Club 

Bernie Millard, past National President of the English Indoor Bowling Association and past National President of the English Bowling Federation, was elected President of the Risbygate Sports Club at the clubs AGM held on Thursday 8th February. Bernie brings with him a wealth of experience within the bowls world and is a committed club member supporting all sections of the club and together with his wife Jan regularly coaches young school children in the clubs indoor bowls arena and being a retired PE instructor is keen to promote all sporting activities the club provides. Bernie replaces the retiring President Kelvin Morton who gave the club eleven years’ service as president and served on many committees. Kelvin now moves to the position of immediate past president and has been a club member for forty years. The club wishes Bernie every success in his term of office and pays special thanks to Kelvin for his dedication and loyal support over the years.



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