Countdown to Christmas with the Arc Shopping Centre
The Arc Shopping Centre, in Bury St Edmunds, is turning on its Christmas lights on Thursday, November 14, to coincide with a similar event in the town centre.
Kicking off from 4pm, the evening will include performances from local dance school, Jessica Barber’s School of Dance.
The Ukulele Elves will also be taking a well-earned break from Santa’s toy workshop to head to the Arc. This gang of cheeky Elves have a tip-top repertoire of Christmas classics guaranteed to get shoppers singing, and they’ve even given many well-loved favourites their own special twists.
As the sun goes down, light walkers will head out to meet families in a multicolour swirl of costume and light, and ahead of their very busy month Snow Queen Elsa and her sister Anna will also be visiting before Father Christmas turns on the lights at 7.15pm.
Abbie Panks, centre manager, said: “We are looking forward to starting the countdown to Christmas with our light switch on and are delighted that Father Christmas could find time in his busy schedule to join us not only at the light switch on, but also for four days during the Christmas Fayre where children and their families will have the chance to come and meet him and bring along their Christmas lists and wishes.
“Not only that, during the lights switch on we will be launching ‘Merry Win’mas’ which will give shoppers at the Arc the opportunity to win great prizes just by doing their Christmas shopping with us.”