Audience to get a chance to sing along with the smash hit film musical ‘The Greatest Showman’

Fans of “The Greatest Showman” smash hit film musical will have the chance to sing along with the songs in the movie when it’s screened at the weekend at the Theatre Royal Bury St Edmunds.

Those attending will be able to cheer on Hugh Jackman, lust after Zac Efron and hiss Rebecca Ferguson (… or maybe not) and with the lyrics on the screen for the audience to join in.

People are being encouraged to dress up in their best top hat and tails and to even add a beard if they fancy.

Every performance starts with a host who warms up the audience, trains them how to interact with the movie using the contents of their free props bag and heckle in all the right places as well as judge the fancy dress competition.

After the success of the launch of the fabulous new movie charting the success of PT Barnum and his launch into the new world of showbusiness, Singalonga Productions is delighted to add it to their portfolio of shows such as Sing-a-long-a Sound of Music, Sing-a-long-a GREASE and Sing-a-long-a Rocky Horror Show.

The unique, interactive entertainment was born in an old people’s home in Inverness. The nurses wanted to involve the residents in an interactive group therapy. They decided to screen “Seven Brides For Seven Brothers” and gave out song sheets so that everyone could sing-a-long. The idea was then developed for the “Sound of Music” for London’s Gay and Lesbian Film Festival in 1999, before opening at the Prince Charles Cinema in August of that year. After an initial eight-show run soon sold out, attracting huge media attention, regular shows have been running ever since, not only in London but all around the world.

Sing-a-long-a: The Greatest Showman is at Theatre Royal Bury St Edmunds for two performances on Saturday, March 7, at 3pm and 7.30pm. Tickets are on sale at the Box Office, call 01284 769505, book online at or visit the theatre in person.

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