Knife wielding robber strikes in Bury St Edmunds

A knife wielding robber has struck at a flat above the Rose and Crown pub in Bury St Edmunds.

The incident took place today, Friday, March 20, at around 1.50am at the property in Whiting Street.

The offender broke a window to a bathroom on the first floor to gain access to the property. The offender then demanded money, brandishing a knife, when challenged by a resident. The victim handed over an amount of cash. The offender then exited on foot out through the kitchen door into the garden before leaving the property.

The man is described as white, around 5ft 11ins tall, of average build with a tanned complexion. He was believed to be around 30-years-old. The man was wearing a khaki green jacket with a hood and was wearing gloves. He had a black knife which was around 8ins in length.

Enquiries into the incident are on-going to establish further details.

Anyone who has any information or saw any suspicious activity should call Bury St Edmunds CID, quoting the crime number 37/17074/20 via:

Website –


Crimestoppers – Contact the independent charity Crimestoppers 100% anonymously on 0800 555 111, or via their online form:

Phone – call 101.

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