Hotel Folk group raises nearly £29K in support of a Ukraine charity appeal

The Hotel Folk group has raised £28,888.67 for the Human Appeal charity Ukraine emergency fund by match funding gratuities left by their guests throughout April.

Delighted the group has been able to raise such a significant sum for this important cause their CEO David Scott said: “This large donation has only been possible thanks to the huge generosity of our hotel guests. I would personally like to send them my heartfelt thanks.”

During April the hotel group matched gratuities received pound for pound in aid of the appeal, while their folk continued to receive their tips.

“With so many worthwhile appeals, the choice of which to support was very difficult,” said David.

“After much consideration, being in hospitality, we decided to support the appeal. As a humanitarian organisation, they help to provide water, food and shelter to needy communities, particularly when emergencies strike. ‘Unity in Community’ is also one of our core values and is extremely important to The Hotel Folk.”

The group owns and runs six individual hotels across Suffolk’s coast and country as well as a boutique spa, golf course and wedding and events venue.

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