Plans to revitalise Hamilton Road Quarter revealed

A sketch of the concept for Hamilton Road Quarter. Image: KLH.

Ambitious plans to regenerate the area around Hamilton Road, in Sudbury, could be taken to the next level if proposals are approved by Babergh District Council cabinet next month.

The Hamilton Road Quarter, located between the railway station and the high street, has long been viewed as having excellent potential for a mixed-use development and in turn, improving the connectivity across the town.

Back in 2018, Babergh District Council cabinet agreed to explore opportunities to create a leisure-led development featuring a cinema, hotel, retail and residential uses. Since the initial proposal and throughout the pandemic, work has been carried out to understand the full potential and opportunities for the site to enable the development of a draft masterplan.

By agreeing the draft masterplan in principle, the Hamilton Road Quarter regeneration scheme can be taken to the next stage. This will include up to £500k spend on a range of next steps towards delivery of the project, including detailed design work, development of a full business case and viability studies, alongside further work with partners such as Babergh Growth on the first phase of the scheme. Once this work is completed, it will be presented to Babergh District Council’s cabinet later this year.

In addition, Babergh District Council will be submitting a bid to the second round of the government’s Levelling Up Fund which will help with the creation of new on street-based bus interchanges. The outcome of the Round 2 Levelling Up Fund is likely to be announced by government in the autumn.

John Ward, Babergh District Council’s leader and cabinet member for economic growth, said: “The regeneration of the Hamilton Road Quarter will transform a dilapidated part of the town and provide a significant economic boost for Sudbury. There are many benefits to bringing forward a mixed-use development which include attracting investment into the town, creating job opportunities and better walking and cycling connections through Sudbury.

“The Hamilton Road Quarter regeneration will also bring new and sustainable homes into the heart of Sudbury and support our ambition to create thriving, attractive and sustainable communities in our vibrant market town.”

The regeneration of the Hamilton Road Quarter is part of the Sudbury Vision programme which also includes improvements to Belle Vue Park including a new café and toilet facilities, introduction of solar car ports at Kingfisher Leisure Centre, supporting the county and town councils in exploring opportunities to reimagine Market Hill and developing a cultural strategy for the town.

The plans for the Hamilton Road Quarter regeneration are available to view online by visiting

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