£450,000 more funding for community causes now available
Community groups in the Babergh and Mid Suffolk districts can now bid for a share of £450,000 to improve their neighbourhoods, thanks to the two new Community Development Grants.
Projects such as including new play areas and equipment, protecting or enhancing the natural environment, provision of cultural experiences, improving digital access, reducing social isolation and supporting renewable or net-zero energy projects are all eligible to be supported by the new funds.
Each application is eligible for an award of up to £20,000, with £250,000 available in Mid Suffolk and £200,000 in Babergh.
Groups can only make one application, but applicants can still apply for other community grant schemes for the same project.
This announcement is in addition to the new £150,000 Suffolk Climate Action Community Match Fund, available to groups in Babergh and Mid Suffolk with projects supporting the county’s vision to become carbon neutral by 2030.
Julie Flatman, Mid Suffolk cabinet member for Communities, Health and Wellbeing, said: “I’m very excited to see the applications made for our new Community Development Grants. We know how much pride our people take in their communities and how much of a difference this funding can make to their projects. Whether they want to invest in new electric vehicle charging points, expand a community coffee morning, or run an after-school club, this grant will be a fantastic boost for any group.”
And Mary McLaren, Babergh cabinet member for Communities, added: “This is a great opportunity for organisations and community groups to secure additional funding and resources at a time when it is needed most. Babergh is filled with passionate people with great ideas. They bring people together and give them a new opportunity to have an impact in the places they live. We want to see these ideas come to fruition, so ensuring there are a variety of schemes and grants available is key to supporting innovation in our district.”
Awarded projects will have to show how they support at least one of the councils’ strategies supporting communities, wellbeing or leisure, sport and physical activity.
Bids for the grant are now open and will close on Friday, September 16, with applications assessed and offers made by October 1.
For more information, including a complete list of eligible projects, please visit the Community Development Grant page on the Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Council websites.