Historian to give presentation about two World Wars and showcase artefacts at Guildhall

Military historian Paul Hunt, an active member of the Royal British Legion, is coming to the Guildhall, in Bury St Edmunds, (pictured above) on Sunday, October 27, to showcase some of his unique and rare collection of genuine First World War and Second World War artefacts, including an authentic Enigma Machine.

He is due to give an interactive presentation during which the audience is invited to examine the items and ask questions.

His talk will delve into the Battle of Britain (July 10 to October 31, 1940); an event which followed the German occupation of much of Continental Europe and the forced evacuation of British forces from France through Normandy, leaving Britain standing alone against the mighty onslaught.

With fewer men and fewer planes, as well as numerous other disadvantages, Britain achieved what Winston Churchill later called “our finest hour,” as the Luftwaffe, led by Herman Goring, changed tactics and from previously targeting ports and airfields began to bomb cities in what became known as The Blitz.

The artefacts on show during the talk will Include relics from British Spitfires, Hurricanes, and German Messerschmitt 109s, multi-signed items from The Few and several very rare relics from the Blitz.

Paul said: “I pride myself on having a collection of artefacts rarely seen outside museums, if at all. I feel it’s very important that this part of history is taught and never forgotten. We owe it to the men and women who gave so much for us.”

It takes place between 11am and 12 noon and tickets are £7.50 per person

For more information, visit: www.burystedmundsguildhall.org.uk/events/

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