Extension given the go ahead to quarry despite huge local opposition

Huge opposition to the extension of Lawn Farm Quarry, in Wetherden, has been ignored with councillors giving the go ahead for the project.

There are 2,029 people who have signed an online petition, set up in February last year, against the plans but members of Suffolk County Council’s Development and Regulation Committee backed Aggmax Transport’s proposals for the northern expansion of the quarry at a meeting, yesterday (Tuesday, February 4).

The applicant was accused of “regularly” breaching conditions including concerns of deposits being left on the road by HGVs but planning officers confirmed that the past performance of the company could not be used as a planning consideration.

Peter Dow, Elmswell Parish Council clerk, said the council accepted the application was within policy, but urged committee members to dedicate further monitoring to the new site, funded by the operator, to ensure planning conditions were followed.

David Marsh, the applicant’s agent, said the frequency of the alleged breaches had not been relayed to the applicant but did not deny issues “on a regular basis”. and he committed to having a more active response to complaints and ensure liaison committee meetings took place to give residents a voice.

The development was split into two different applications, with one proposing a variation of conditions to allow for the extension itself to access some 750,000 saleable tonnes of sand and gravel.

Both were approved by councillors subject to conditions.

Extra conditions were agreed including the building of a fence to be built before any extractions to ensure public safety.

In total 64 residents submitting a total of 274 comments against the plans as well as objections from the parish councils in Elmswell, Wetherden, Haughley and Woolpit parish councils.

You can still sign the online petition at


1 thought on “Extension given the go ahead to quarry despite huge local opposition

  1. Aggmax started like all their expansion plans,, before it was even consulted on! A law unto themselves!! Even the Commercial site @ Lawn farm was developed on old ,filled in Quarry pit!

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